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Be well,
Essence of Strength
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Friday, July 4, 2014
Thursday, June 26, 2014
of my adult life has involved existing with some level of exhaustion. The problem with this is it set me up to
normalize that sensation. I don’t
immediately recognize it as sign of disordered wellness the way one would a
rash on the skin.
these days I notice more quickly when I am veering off the wellness track. The challenge is to determine whether it is just
an episode of overtiredness or if I am ignoring the basic self-care habits I
have set up for my life.
I've noticed myself slipping into a consistent energy drain mode. It made me remember that the path of well-being
maintenance has no end. Life is
constantly changing so my methods to approach it need periodic modification.
order to keep up with life’s curves I’ve learned to do a simple self-check when
I am feeling out of sorts.
1. SEE the truth about my current situation.
1. SEE the truth about my current situation.
Am I just having a crazy, busy week or have I overscheduled myself
into a never-ending cycle of giving with no rest or renewal?
Am I just being overly emotional about a particular disagreement or
is this conflict representative of a pattern of dysfunction in a relationship?
To quote GI Joe, “Knowing is half the battle.”
2. SEEK ways to improve my wellness status.
2. SEEK ways to improve my wellness status.
If I see that adjustments need to be made, I have to figure out
how to make that happen. It may be a
long-term plan with various milestones.
It may be an immediate drastic change.
The key is to have the courage to make the decision to change
instead of convincing myself I don’t see what I see.
3. SEIZE my unique life purpose.
Before I act on any decisions, I determine if it is in line with
what I have determined to be my unique life purpose.
This is where I have erred in the past. I would see that a change needed to be made
and I would make one just for the sake of being proactive.
Although I tried to be purposeful, I didn’t have a good sense of
what that purpose was. I was much more
vulnerable to doing what other people thought was a good idea for me.
Now I seek out change that is purposeful for me.
4. Those first
three steps are all done in order to SUSTAIN my overall sense of well-being.
In the past, I have been subject to falling into and out of
wellness habits depending on the circumstances.
Now I feel capable of withstanding the changing tides of life with my
well-being intact.
is your process for ensuring you stay well?
Thursday, June 5, 2014
Sometimes I just need a little time to
be. Spending time being still centers me. Whether it is called quiet time or meditation
it is good for my soul.
Many of us rush around so much we don’t
take moments to be at one with ourselves and our surroundings.
This is why yoga used to stress me
out. There was so much quiet and deep
breathing. I had no patience for all
The stretching was nice but the perceived
edict to be calm had the effect of making me tense. I didn’t realize the fact I couldn’t stop my
brain from racing was a clear sign I needed a mental time out.
Now I’ve recognized how important quiet
time is. I specifically set aside time
for it.
This time is distinct from Bible
reading, journaling and exercise. Those
activities help me disconnect from some of life’s daily drama, but my mind
isn’t able to completely release.
There is a level of conscious alertness
that must be maintained to read, write or dodge cyclists on a path. It’s not simply being in the way I need in
order to clear my mind.
It is my experience that emptying my
consciousness of everything can have two results.
When I am living life on purpose, setting my mind free takes
me to a better place than I started. I trust my spirit to do its thing, and I end
up getting more clarity on how to sustain my wellness.
Wonderful things can happen in that
stillness. Sometimes there are powerful
epiphanies. Other times it is just a
chance to marvel at how awesome the world is when I’m not messing with it.
However when I am ignoring my authentic truth, my spirit tells
me about myself when I give it that opening to share. I am forced to
acknowledge the parts of my life that are clearly not on purpose for me. It is still powerful, but it’s not necessarily
the happiness and light one associates with meditation.
Back when I gave no thought to living
on purpose, I saved up all my reflection time for vacations. I knew it wouldn’t be fun and I didn’t want
all that angst disrupting my normal day-to-day activities.
If I got super bummed out on vacation,
I could counter it with a day of skiing, hiking or sitting on a beach. It kept me functioning but hardly thriving.
Nowadays, I’m not adherent to any particular
meditation technique. Over time, I’ve learned
how to empty my mind, relax and tune into my spirit regardless of the
The change came when I got to a place where I trusted the truth
that comes out of the stillness. I no longer have to be on the defensive
against what will happen when I go there. Even if I don’t love it at the time, I know
it is my truth and meant to keep me in line with my purpose.
The beauty of my life these days is
striving for a consistent sense of well-being.
This keeps me from being afraid to sense my being. I find comfort in stillness because it keeps
me true to myself.
I urge you to give it a try. See where your spirit takes you when you let
it lead. Take a few minutes to be still
and just be.
Thursday, May 29, 2014
It seems I am supposed to be learning something about improving
my personal interactions this month of May.
My pastor is in the middle of a teaching series about practical
ways to have better relationships.
One of my coaching colleagues has been offering weekly
challenges based on the life area of relationship.
I personally chose to do a meditation on Romans 12. This chapter of the Bible is all about how
those of us who claim to love God are supposed to behave, particularly towards
one another.
All of this has made me think deeply about how I treat
others and how I want to be treated in return.
I had planned to write something about what I’ve been learning in this
week’s blog…then Maya Angelou died.
As I read tributes to her and saw her quotes posted all
over the internet, I realized Dr. Angelou had already said a lot of what I was
There is no question her life
experiences rendered her much wiser than I.
It seemed to me that sharing her thoughts on relationships would be more
fitting right now.
Here are some of my favorite quotes from this phenomenal
woman about how to treat one another:
learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did,
but people will never forget how you made them feel.”
“While I know myself as a
creation of God, I am also obligated to realize and remember that everyone else
and everything else are also God's creation.”
“Try to be a rainbow in
someone's cloud.”
“If you have only one smile
in you, give it to the people you love.”
“If you find it in your
heart to care for somebody else, you will have succeeded.”
“Love recognizes no
barriers. It jumps hurdles, leaps fences, penetrates walls to arrive at its
destination full of hope.”
Wednesday, May 21, 2014
It is mentally and physically difficult to get
conditioned after a prolonged break from exercise. Your body feels foreign in that it is more weak,
tired and slow than you remember it being.
Your mind is baffled by how weak, tired and slow your body is.
You kind of just want to sit on a couch and eat ice cream
instead of actually working out.
The good news is since you have been fit before you have
some sense that it is possible. Less
exciting is the reality of actually getting back to that level of fitness.
When I came back to exercise after abdominal surgery, I
made up my own regimen of strengthen, sweat and stretch. This got my mind and body back into the
routine of exercising three times per week while incorporating the essential
components of fitness.
Strengthen. One day I did resistance exercise. I did two sets of each exercise working the
major muscle groups. I performed a combination
of free weight and bodyweight exercises.
Since I bore easily, I also used the TRX suspension trainer for more
variety in my bodyweight exercises. It
was nice to feel my muscles get stronger.
Sweat. Another day I did some form of cardiovascular
exercise for at least 30 minutes. Many
people know I am a fan of a Beyonce Dance Party workout. I’d just put on some Queen Bey and shake it
like someone forgot to put a ring on it.
More traditional cardio like walking, running, or the
elliptical machine got mixed in also. Running
was humbling for me because I was slow and easily winded. I had to remind myself the important thing
was to get my body accustomed to moving for an extended period of time.
Stretch. The third day, I just focused on stretching each
major muscle group for at least 30 seconds. I am a fan of yoga, particularly Bikram, for
the stretch day because it incorporates a bit of movement with the
stretch. This was a nice active recovery
from the resistance and cardio.
This schedule was intentionally low-key and low intensity. It was geared toward getting back into a
workout routine more than getting into great shape quickly. I had an incident with overexertion in my
first postoperative week that scared me straight on not pushing it too early.
Once the foundation was laid over a few weeks, I
increased the time and frequency of exercise.
The key to getting fit is actually increasing the intensity of the
Lift heavier. Run
longer. Keep stretching.
My main objective with exercise is to be
healthy. I had been fit in the
past. I trusted my body to get there
again, but it was frustrating. I know it
must be that much worse for those starting to exercise for the first time.
Now when I am active in any way I appreciate the impact
of my workouts on my body. The squats
strengthen my legs. The runs improve my
lung capacity. The yoga helps me recover
from both.
Listening to my body instead of freaking out about my measurements
worked for me. In exchange, God blessed
me with the longest winter ever to get myself back into summer clothing shape. Doing the right thing for yourself pays off
I hope this encourages those who are working back from
injury, surgery, or any extended break from fitness. It is possible to come back. As with everything under the sun though, it
has to be the right way for you.
Wednesday, May 14, 2014
A lot of us are stymied in life by a lack of vision. This manifests as flawed present and/or
future vision. Faulty present vision prevents
us from clearly seeing what is actually occurring around us. Lack of future vision makes us unable to
conjure a different reality than the one we are living. Both of these are problematic.
I like to think of myself as hopeful. When I was unhappy during medical training, I
kept believing everything would get better at the next stop. I clearly saw that where I was didn’t fit my
ideal, but I was assured by everyone it was coming around the bend.
When I got into private practice, my present vision became
clouded. This was supposed to be the end
point where all the dissatisfaction of training gave way to contentment. When this obviously was not the case, I tried
to convince myself the present wasn’t that bad.
I was effectively putting scales on my eyes. I needed to make the current situation seem
better than it was because I couldn’t conceive of how to improve it. My lack of future vision affected my present
visual acuity.
We all do this on some level as a survival
mechanism. I totally get that. However, it tends only to work
short-term. Eventually our spirits rip
the blinders off and show us clearly, “This is some nonsense right here!”
We are forced to acknowledge that where we are is
not good. This is when the vision of a
better future has to kick in. And this
is where a lot of us stall. We make no
change and complain about being in the same rut.
We allow fear to keep us from dreaming of that best
case scenario. It seems impossible or unrealistic
or too simple.
For some of us, if the first place we see something
is in our own minds we don’t feel it is valid.
We have to understand that just because we have never seen it in the
real world doesn’t make it unachievable.
When I left medicine I knew I needed a new vision. Eventually, I learned to expand my mind to the
possibilities available to me in all aspects of my life. This took some time and help from others.
Rather than trying to fit myself into some pre-fabricated
scenario, I learned to pick and choose what works for me to make the life I
want. I like what I see in my present
and I am excited for what is coming in the future.
So, how’s your
Wednesday, May 7, 2014
I am a control freak…or at least I used to be.
Whatever discipline, effort and commitment didn’t
occur in me naturally was conditioned by the process of medical training. You would be hard-pressed to find a physician
without some control issues.
When I decided to stop practicing medicine I tried
to embrace being more carefree. In
reality, my time as a free spirit was more like a vacation. It was nice to visit, but I wasn’t
comfortable living there.
My personality is suited for schedules, lists and
checkboxes. I quit practicing medicine,
but I didn’t stop being the person who became a physician.
My naturally diligent tendencies have served me well
in the past. They can continue to do so
in the future. Here’s what I have
learned so far.
am very determined.
Once I decide to do something I am exceptionally good at powering
through and staying on task.
Many people think the most common characteristic
among doctors is intelligence. In fact,
it is a scary level of determination.
There is a drawback to this type of determination for
me. It can lead to feeling stuck when I’m
trying to figure out my next step. My
resolve to follow through on my decisions ends up putting too much importance
on every single one.
My determination has sustained me through some
difficult times in the past. The first
sign of a challenge does not send me running away from something I really want.
However, I’ve had to learn not to be paralyzed by
the prospect of being wrong about where to apply that dedication.
like having a plan.
It is logistically simpler to be determined if one has an explicit plan.
Medical training was nice for that. Everything had a delineated order starting
with the MCAT and ending at the first job after residency or fellowship. All I had to do was keep my focus on the end goal.
Unfortunately, having such tunnel vision can prevent
recognition of when it is time to bail.
It doesn’t allow for alternative options if the original plan is in
total conflict with my spirit.
It also blunts creativity if I just want to switch things
up a bit.
Nowadays I still prefer to work with a plan. Having one helps me feel secure, even if it is
just a framework from which to freestyle.
However, this plan is always subject to revision
when it makes sense in my spirit to do so.
like doing things my way. My methods have been pretty effective at
generating positive results for me over the years.
I do not force my way of doing things on
others. I just stick with what I think works
best for me.
This becomes problematic when others offer me unsolicited
advice. It is hard for me to accept it
since I don’t have the same data on their outcomes as I have on mine.
I’m also less inclined to take suggestions that seem
more self-serving to the tipster than beneficial to me. Although, I’ve learned there is some merit in
recommendations derived with no consideration of my point of view.
When it comes to getting tasks accomplished, my
perspective has served me well. However,
there are areas of my life that are more about being than doing. These have benefitted from an outsider’s take.
Several times I only took a new approach to my own
well-being because someone else pointed out how crazy my way was.
My way is good, but not perfect.
take responsibility.
I always consider the repercussions my decisions have on other
Even if negative consequences are unintended, I
always take stock of what my actions may have done to precipitate them. Similarly, I also think about how my inaction
may have caused undesired outcomes.
This can get a bit heavy on the head. It was particularly burdensome when I was
practicing medicine.
Responsibility can be an inconvenience but it shouldn’t
be oppressive.
Also, taking control of certain situations may rob
others of the opportunity to step into the fullness of their capabilities. The greatest good is rarely served by stifling
the maturation process of another.
I believe it is good to be a responsible, caring
adult. People know they can trust and depend
on you.
However, I have to remember my part in any result,
good or bad, is usually not as great as I take credit for. I am not God.
days I prefer to consider myself conscientious rather than a control freak. The same qualities that made me feel
restricted in the past have been reimagined to support my unique Divine purpose.
Now my life is not about being in control, but rather
discerning how to use my God-given traits to maintain my authentic joy and
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